Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The sky is not the limit

The opportunities are endless and some of the things that can come from attaining equilibrium is energy! At the height we are planning on attaining bringing solar panels almost out of our atmosphere would increase the output ten fold and allow to possibly use wireless energy "when more refined" to beam it back to earth. This would bring valuable energy to places on the planet where it is difficult or nearly impossible to route energy. This does not necessarily have to be done by wireless energy the way your ipod charges on a platform but more so is the possibilities of lasers beaming the energy back to earth. It would be much more efficient to actually have these solar panels in orbit and direct the energy back to the earth via laser. Depending on many different variables this could solve our energy crisis eliminating any need for fossil fuels. I believe this is where our energy is going to be derived from in the long term. The ability to have energy directed to a precise location such as a factory, home or even a car one day!

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